Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011.

1) SSR and log.

2) Discuss Ray Bradbury and his science fiction (biographical film clip).

3) Read actively "The Pedestrian" annotating and underlining for mood, sensory details, similes, metaphors, and plot (Trace Mr. Mead's walk.)

4) Check/copy/review definitions of PSAT List # 3 words given yesterday. Quiz Friday, 9/16

PSAT Vocab List #3

1. subtle- adj- not obvious; so slight as to be difficult to detect

2. poignant- adj- emotionally moving

3. zealot- n- someone fanatically devoted to a cause

4. vim- n- energy; enthusiasm

5. aversion- n- intense dislike

6. pallor- n- paleness; lack of (facial) color

7. matriculate- v- to enroll as a member of a college or university

8. plaintive- adj- melancholy; expressing sorrow

9. exasperation- n- irritation; aggravation

10. succulent- adj- juicy; full of vitality or freshness

11. behemoth- n- a huge creature

12. conjure- v- to imagine; to summon (as if by magical power)

13. wary- adj- cautious; mistrustful; on guard

14. wayward- adj- erratic; unrestrained; reckless

15. saunter- v- to walk about in a leisurely manner; to stroll