Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011.

1. Per. 1: Tally scores from practice TAKS test: "My Father Sits..."

2. View and analyze various essays to determine why these are 2, 3, or 4.

3. Passed out RUBRIC for students to check their writing.

4. Read TAKS Reminders handout.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011 (Report Cards and Early Dismissal)

1. Revising and Editing: "A World Apart" benchmark.

2. Peer review of essays. Turn in essays when done.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011.

1. Peer revision of essays: "Surroundings" and "Important Choice"

2. Tally scores from "My Father Sits...TAKS test with scantron, OER (short answer), and essay. Analyze how many points you are away from commended performance.
(Except Per. 1 with nine students absent).

3. Viewed samples of student essays (released test) for "Important Choice" on LCD projector& document camera. Students went up to read essays.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011.

1. Students who were absent or did not finish the "Revising and Editing" section of the test completed it today.

2. Peer revision of "Surroundings" essay with rubric sheet. Final draft will be written on lined paper provided. Not all students completed the homework.

3. Viewed and discussed samples in "Explode a Moment" handout. If you were absent you need to ask for handout.

4. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Complete the following and bring to class tomorrow:


Write an essay about a time you made an important choice.

Include at least :

2 snapshots
2 thoughtshots
1 metaphor
1 simile
1 example of personification

Bring to class tomorrow. It is important that you come to class prepared.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

1. Revise "Special Place" essay by placing a box around one example of snapshot, one example of thoughtshot, one simile, one metaphor, and one example of personification. If you don't have these, then box the places where these are needed.

2. Complete "Revising and Editing" part of TAKS test: 32-51 on scantron. 51 will be hand-written on the bottom of scantron.

3. Begin rough draft of "Surroundings Essay" :Write an essay explaining how your surroundings can affect your life. One sheet, front and back. Include at least two snapshots, two thoughtshots, one metaphor, one simile, and one example of personification.

Bring completed "Surroundings" essay (first draft) to class tomorrow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011.

1. Review examples of snapshots and thoughtshots.

2. Examine essay samples of score 4 essays.

3. Examine sensory details and elaboration with "grandmother" essays by L. Hansberry and Maya Angelou.

4. Box or highlight two examples of snapshots and two of thoughtshots in your essay. Add one example of each:1 simile1 metaphor1 personification

Rewrite your essay and bring tomorrow.

Make sure you note:

Thoughtshots involve the following:Think, wonder, evaluate, make judgments, criticize, ponder, reminisce, express feelings in writing.

Do not use "YOU" use "I"

Be sure to write a personal narrative, write about what you know, and write from your heart.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011.

1. Students completed OER questions 29, 30, and 31 for "My Father Sits in the Dark".

2. Students viewed sample OER responses 0, 1, 2, and 3 as well as essays (1-4) from released test on document camera.

3. Essays and questions were stamped. Bring re-written essays on Monday, 2/21.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011.

1. Complete the open-ended short response questions: 29, 30, 31. Per. 1: Come to finish these at lunch if you have not finished.

2. Begin writing the essay.

Write an essay explaining how a person can feel connected to a special place.

You should:

Write about the assigned topic
Make your writing thoughtful and interesting
Make sure that each sentence you write contributes to your compositon as a whole
Make sure that your ideas are clear and easy for the reader to follow.
Write about your ideas in depth so that the reader is able to develop a good understanding
of what you are saying
Proofread your writing to correct any errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

Write on one sheet, front and back.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011.

1. Per. 1 only: 9066-911 film clip

1. Read "Long Walk to Forever"
Respond to question on a sheet of paper using ACE. This is your rough draft. Copy it to final sheet.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011.

1. Read Farewell...Ch. 20-21. (Did not finish Ch. 21)

Per. 1: Passed out comprehension questions for Ch. 18-22.

REMINDER: Vocabulary quiz on the words with the 4: QUIZ TOMORROW 2/10

1. assent v. to agree
2. capitulate v. to give up
3. desolation n. a state of barrenness; abandonment
4. foment v. to cause to grow; incite
5. guileless adj. free of deceit or cunning; innocent
6. inaudible adj. not abe to be heard
7. intangible: adj. incapable of being perceived by the senses; cannot be felt, touched, etc.
8. interim: n. period of time between events
9. overt: adj. obvious; easy to observe
10. posthumous: adj. occurring after death
11. premonition: n. an inner sense of foreboding; a knowing that something bad will happen
12. rapt: adj. deeply absorbed; deeply interested in something where nothing else matters around you.
13. rescind: V. to reverse or cancel
14. subside: V. to sink to a normal level; to calm/go down Ex. rain that subsides lets up.
15. subterranean: adj. underground

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011.

1. Pass out Farewell Focus questions for Ch. 18-22. Ask for handout if absent.

2. Read Ch. 18-19. Completed/discussed questions as we read.

3. Don't forget to study words for Farewell...Vocabulary Quiz 4: Words with a 4.
Rescheduled Quiz: Thursday, 2/10.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011.

1. Parts of speech review on the board. Label the following sentence with the corresponding parts of speech:

Wow! The talented girl skated skillfully across the ice in the stadium, but she fell terribly hard and lost first place in the competition because she made this mistake.

2. Parts of Speech test.

3. Read Farewell...Ch. 16 Per. 1: Completed Farewell... Ch. 15 only. Answer question handout for Ch. 12-17.

NOTE: Vocabulary quiz 4 for Farewell Glossary words will be next Thursday.
Thursday, February 3, 2011. (Cold weather day)
Read Farewell to Manzanar, Ch. 15 and 16 except Per. 1.
Friday, February 4, 2011: No school: Bad weather day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011.

1. Farewell...Read Ch. 12-13. Take notes.

2. Quiz on these chapters (12-13). Use notes.

3. Read Farewell...Chapter 14 in class.

4. Per. 4: Review MOYA test (grade). Needs to read Ch. 14.
REMINDER: Study the Farewell...Glossary Words with a 4. Quiz Friday, 2/4

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011.

Per. 1: The Bracelet benchmark + read Ch. 12-13 in F.Manzanar

Per. 2: "

Per. 4: Read Ch. 12-13 + notes and summary + quiz