Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG

2) Review Of Mice...Chapter 2 questions. Discuss and clarify.

3) Quiz on Of Mice...Chapter 2 (will count as a test grade)

4) Work on Chapter 3 questions.

HOMEWORK: Study words from Of Mice Glossary: liniment - rouged Quiz Friday, 11/4

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011..

1) SSR and log

2) Complete reading of Of Mice and Men Chapter 3. pp. 61-65. Discuss Curley and motivation for fight. Discuss foreshadowing.

3) Return questions for OMM Ch. 2. Complete questions for homework. The book is online or come to complete at lunch.

4) Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Quiz 2 "confide - grizzled."

NOTE: Be prepared for a short test on Chapter 2 in Of Mice and Men.

5) Students received Progress Reports. Share with parent/guardian.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011.

1) SSR and log

2) Students were asked to have their Theme locator charts for reading of Of Mice and Men Chapter 3. We read Ch. 3 to page 61 top. We discussed indirect characterization of Carlson and Curley's Wife and the reason Curley might have married a flirtatious woman and taken her to a ranch full of men. [Students stated that this would give Curley an excuse to pick fights with the men who respond to Curley's Wife's flirting.

NOTE: Study the words confide - grizzled of the Of Mice and Men Glossary vocabulary for a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011.

1) SSR and log

2) Finish Of Mice and Men Chapter 2, and begin Chapter 3 to page 48.

3) Theme/Literary Device Locator chart check for grade. You must keep up with this chart.

NOTE: Vocabulary for this week are last week's words from Of Mice and Men Glossary: "confide - grizzled."

Quiz: Friday, Oct. 28.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG

2) Complete reading of Of Mice...Ch. 2 and logging in theme/literary device locater chart.

NOTE: Vocabulary Quiz 2 for Of Mice...will be moved to Friday 10/28

Monday, October 24, 2011. (Substitute)

1) Complete Of Mice and Men focus questions for Chapter 2.

Friday, October 21, 2011. Early dismissal. (Substitute)

1) Complete Of Mice and Men questions for Ch. 1

2) Complete paragraph for Lennie.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011.

1) SSR and log. Students turned in completed logs.

2) Read Ch. 2 in Of Mice and Men. Discuss racial segregation and historical context of language used in Ch. 2. Discuss indirect characterization and foreshadowing. Record on chart.

Last day to turn in AST essay for full credit.

Vocabulary quiz on OMM Glossary words confide - grizzled: Tuesday, Oct. 25.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG. Check students' log and pick up completed logs for project grade.

2) Of Mice and Men. Discuss examples of Lennie's childlike behaviors. Review textual examples from chapter one gathered yesterday from notes and literary device locater chart.

3) Write a paragraph following this model:

“Steinbeck’s Lovable Characters: Lennie”

In chapter one of his novel Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays Lennie as a huge man with the behavior and mind of a child. For example, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “……………” (7). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another example where Lennie displays a childlike attitude is when ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“…………..” (12). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally, Lennie reveals his child mind when----------------------------------------------------“…………..” (16). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Write a reflective concluding sentence here.]

4) Study Of Mice and Men vocabulary from glossary handout "confide - grizzled"
Quiz Tuesday, 10/25

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1) SSR and LOG (Turn in log as soon as you complete it; this log is a project grade!)

2) Focus Question: How does Steinbeck’s use of indirect characterization in chapter one of his novel Of Mice and Men engage the reader?

3) Complete reading of Chapter One in Of Mice and Men.

A) Find and write three quotes from the text that show Lennie’s childlike behavior.

B) Find and write three quotes from the text that show George’s personality as temperamental but caring.

Students shared responses for participation points.

NOTE: Study vocabulary words from Of Mice and Men Glossary handout: "confide -grizzled"
Quiz: Next Tuesday 10/25
Monday, October 17, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG (Period 1)

2) Of Mice and Men Notes:

a) The setting of the novel is a farming area/ranch near Salinas, California in the early 1930s.

b) The novel consists of six (6) chapters. Each chapter begins with a setting so the novel can be easily adapted into a play.

Ch. 1: A clearing in the woods/brush by a river.
Ch. 2: A bunkhouse at the ranch
Ch. 3: A bunkhouse at the ranch
Ch. 4: Crooks' room
Ch. 5: The barn
Ch. 6: A clearing in the woods/brush by a river.

3) Introduce Theme and Literary Device Locater chart. Active reading jotting down pg. numbers.
4) Of Mice and Men: Read Ch. 1

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Complete reading of "The Flood" p. 923 from old literature book. Answer questions.
Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Quiz #1 anguished - complacently

Thursday, October 13, 2011.

Finished watching Steinbeck bio film. Students worked on questions relating to film and turned in work.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011.
PSAT TEST 17 min. classes.

SSR and log.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG: Log will be picked up for project grade next week. Make sure it is neatly organized, written in pen, with the pages tallied for each page.

2) Read Steinbeck Author Study beginning on page 918 in old literature book. We discussed Steinbeck's driving force behind his work: An appreciation for the decency of the common person. Steinbeck was a voice for the common laborer, whose biased depiction in newspapers was negative. Read the excerpt "The Flood" from The Grapes of Wrath. (We only began reading this.)

3) Of Mice and Men Vocabulary List # 1

1. anguished - adj. : feeling great suffering, worry, or grief
2. appraise – v : to judge the quality or worth of; to set a price for
3. apprehension – n : an anxious feeling of foreboding [a strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil, etc.; presentiment] or dread
4. apprehensive – adj. : feeling apprehension
5. avert – v : to turn away from
6. belligerently – adverb: showing a readiness to fight or quarrel; in a rude way
7. bemused – adj. : stupefied; preoccupied in thought;
8. bindle – n : slang for a bundle of bedding carried by a hobo
9. bridled – adj : harnessed; restrained
10.burlap – n : a coarse cloth made of jute or hemp used
for making sacks(ie for potatoes )
11.complacent - adj. : satisfied

Study for quiz on Friday, 10/14

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011.

1) SSR and LOG

2) PSAT Practice TEST 5 (Per. 1: Reading)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011.

1) SSR and log
2) View biographical film on John Steinbeck. Take notes.

Thursday, October 6, 2011.

1) SSR and log. Book check.

2) View biographical film on John Steinbeck. Take notes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011.

1) SSR and log.

2) Complete "Indirect Characterization in A Sound of Thunder" outline and conference with me. Then complete essay.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011.

1) SSR and Log

2) Conference with students about outlines; students who did not bring their "A Sound of Thunder" outline completed worked on their outlines. This is a process and a grade.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011.

1) SSR and log: Log check for grade.

2) Use chart to complete outline; if outline is completed for homework, check accuracy as discussed with document camera.