Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Per. 1
1. Check Vocabulary Exercise 1 "Latin Root Scrib-Script."
2. Read handout on details, snapshots, and thoughtshots.
3. Write a description of your "sanctuary." Turn in.

Per. 4
1. Check Vocabulary Exercise 1: "Latin Root Scrib-script."
2. Students read handout on setails, snapshots, and thoughtshots; students brainstormed the crafting of detail on the board: "the spoiled rich girl" became the girl who...
wears a 5 karat diamond, rolls her eyes, flips her hair, smacks her lips when told to do something she doesn't want to do; she has a new BMW every year, and when she crashes her new car, she demands another one from her dad.
3. Students highlighted snapshots in their writing from yesterday with yellow, and thoughtshots with another color, and then traded for peer revision.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Per. 1:
1. Read "A Long Walk to Forever."
2. Complete one open-ended response question. Write rough draft on back; then have two peers revise and grade 1, 2, 3. Then copy onto box provided in handout.
Per. 4:
1. Define sanctuary.
2. Describe briefly with detail your sanctuary. Then skip two lines, and create and describe a fictional character looking for a sanctuary. Use images so the reader can visualize the scene. Write approximately one page to one page and a half.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Per. 1:
1. Students took notes on the definition of a clause:
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb.
There are two kinds of clauses: independent (IC) and dependent (DC).
Example of IC: Mary ate a cone. [can stand alone as a sentence]
Example of DC: When Mary ate a cone, [cannot stand alone as a sentence]

NOTE: A dependent clause [DC] always needs an independent clause [IC] connected to it.
[When Mary ate a cone] , [she felt full].
[DC] , [IC]
There are three ways to correct run-on sentences:
[IC] . Cap [IC]
[IC] , fanboys [IC] fanboys: ,for ,and ,nor ,but ,or ,yet ,so
[IC] ; [IC]

Mary ate a cone. She felt full.
[IC] . [IC]
Mary ate a cone (, so ) she felt full.
[IC] , fanboys [IC]
Mary ate a cone ; she felt full.
[IC] ; [IC]

2. After this review, students worked on "First Lady" and "Ions."
3. Checked answers to "First Lady" in class. Check "Ions" tomorrow.

Per. 4:
1. Read "A Long Walk to Forever."
2. Answer open-ended response, writing rough draft on back. Peer revise twice, grade, and then complete final draft on front of handout.