Thursday, February 9, 2012.
English 2B Periods 1-5
1) Review prepositional phrases with warm-up
2) Students checked "Ions" on page 23 in workbook to revise for incorrect answers.
3) Check Glossy TAKS exercise "Ions" (Except period 5).
Vocabulary Words for quiz tomorrow:
1. assent v. to agree
2. capitulate: v. to give up
3. desolation: n. abandonment; loneliness
4. guileless: adj. free of deceit or cunning; clueless
5. inaudible: adj. not able to be heard
6. foment: v. to cause to grow; incite Ex. The bad leader fomented a fighting, bickering environment.
7. intangible: adj. not capable if being perceived (felt) by the senses.
8. interim: n. period of time between events
9. overt: adj. obvious; out in the open; not covered/hidden
10. posthumous: adj. occurring after death
11. premonition: n. an inner sense that something bad will happen
12. rapt: adj. deeply absorbed
13. rescind: v. to reverse or cancel
14. subside: v. to sink to a normal level; to lessen in intensity
15. subterranean: adj. underground
Study for Quiz tomorrow!!