Monday, May 16, 2011.
1. Complete Vocabulary Lesson 8: "Domestic Life." Turn in for grade. If you were absent you need to make this up ASAP.
2. Read and anayze two types of poetry: metrical poetry and free verse with the poems
"Nancy Hanks" and "A Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes (A reading of this poem by Langston Hughes himself can be accessed at Students listened to oral reading by Mr. Hughes in class.
3. Students analyzed "Nancy Hanks" with questions and identification of form, rhyme scheme, mood, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, exact rhyme, approximate rhyme. Students also scanned the poem to find the types and numbers of metrical feet in each line.
4. Students analyzed "A Negro Speaks of Rivers" with questions and the same process above.
5. Students worked on a poem using onomatopoeia.