Friday, September 30, 2011.
1) Return graded charts to students, check those who did not complete charts on Wednesday, and work from "A Sound of Thunder" charts, analyzing parts of outline and ways to construct a topic sentence from chart. Work on essay outline. Complete outline for homework.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011.
1) SSR and log.
2) Discuss indirect characterization. Complete chart with three examples of indirect characterization: Character - Direct Quote and Page Number - Inference about Character
3) Turn in your work for a grade. If you did not finish, access story online and finish for homework.
NOTE: No voc. quiz this week, except for Per. 1: PSAT Vocabulary Quiz #4 from last week. Make sure you make up any missed quizzes from last week on Friday. Last chance!!
1) SSR and log.
2) Discuss indirect characterization. Complete chart with three examples of indirect characterization: Character - Direct Quote and Page Number - Inference about Character
3) Turn in your work for a grade. If you did not finish, access story online and finish for homework.
NOTE: No voc. quiz this week, except for Per. 1: PSAT Vocabulary Quiz #4 from last week. Make sure you make up any missed quizzes from last week on Friday. Last chance!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011.
1) SSR and log: Students were given new logs, they turned in completed logs, and others checked to complete their log to turn in.
2) Students discussed/viewed enactment examples of indirect characterization; clarified the concept, and viewed the handout on the essay outline for "A Sound of Thunder" foreshadowing in the story.
Students will find three examples of indirect characterization in "A Sound of Thunder."
1) SSR and log: Students were given new logs, they turned in completed logs, and others checked to complete their log to turn in.
2) Students discussed/viewed enactment examples of indirect characterization; clarified the concept, and viewed the handout on the essay outline for "A Sound of Thunder" foreshadowing in the story.
Students will find three examples of indirect characterization in "A Sound of Thunder."
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011.
1) Complete reading of "A Sound of Thunder" from old textbook. You can access through GOOGLE if you need to peruse text to answer questions.
2) Vocabulary Quiz PSAT # 4. (Except students from Period 1 who will take quiz on Monday)
3) Complete study guide questions for "A Sound of Thunder."
HOMEWORK: Study for TEST on literary terms studied and short stories:
Refer to guide given on Thursday, and the following stories:
"The Interlopers"
"Harrison Bergeron"
"The Pedestrian"
"There Will Come Soft Rains"
"A Sound of Thunder"
1) Complete reading of "A Sound of Thunder" from old textbook. You can access through GOOGLE if you need to peruse text to answer questions.
2) Vocabulary Quiz PSAT # 4. (Except students from Period 1 who will take quiz on Monday)
3) Complete study guide questions for "A Sound of Thunder."
HOMEWORK: Study for TEST on literary terms studied and short stories:
Refer to guide given on Thursday, and the following stories:
"The Interlopers"
"Harrison Bergeron"
"The Pedestrian"
"There Will Come Soft Rains"
"A Sound of Thunder"
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011.
1) SSR and log
2) Review of NOUNS and PRONOUNS: Active notetaking for a grade.
NOUN: A NOUN is a word that NAMES a person, place, thing, or idea.
Classifications: common, proper; concrete, abstract; compound, collective.
Example: girl, Betty, chair, happiness birthright band
PRONOUN: A PRONOUN is a word that takes the place of a noun or group of nouns.
Classifications: personal, reflective, intensive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, or indefinite.
Personal Pronouns: Refers to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person). [These are the "gossip" pronouns :)
I, me he, him it they, them
You she, her we, us
Possessive Pronouns These are personal pronouns that show ownership:
my, mine, our ours; your, yours his, her, hers, its, their, theirs
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns.
Myself, ourselves (first person)
Yourself, yourselves (second person)
Himself, herself, itself, themselves (third person)
Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject of the sentence and function as a complement or as the object of a preposition. Ex.
I am not myself today. (myself is the predicate nominative identifying I)
Cecilia let herself in through a trap door. (Herself is the direct object of let)
The boys chose costumes for themselves. (themselves is the object of the prep. For)
Intensive pronouns add “intensity” and have no grammatical function in the sentence. (The sentence can do fine without them.)
Ray painted the mural himself.
The children dyed the eggs themselves.
Demonstrative pronouns. Used to point out persons or things. (Think of a pointing finger)
this, these that, those
Relative Pronouns: Introduce subordinate clauses.
Who, whom, which, that, whose
Interrogative Pronouns: Are used in questions.
Who? To Whom? For whom?, Which? Whose? What?
Indefinite Pronouns: Refer to a person, place, thing, or idea that may or may not be specifically named.
all everybody no one
another everyone one
any few other
anybody many several
anyone most some
both neither somebody
each nobody someone
either none such
1) SSR and log
2) Review of NOUNS and PRONOUNS: Active notetaking for a grade.
NOUN: A NOUN is a word that NAMES a person, place, thing, or idea.
Classifications: common, proper; concrete, abstract; compound, collective.
Example: girl, Betty, chair, happiness birthright band
PRONOUN: A PRONOUN is a word that takes the place of a noun or group of nouns.
Classifications: personal, reflective, intensive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, or indefinite.
Personal Pronouns: Refers to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person). [These are the "gossip" pronouns :)
I, me he, him it they, them
You she, her we, us
Possessive Pronouns These are personal pronouns that show ownership:
my, mine, our ours; your, yours his, her, hers, its, their, theirs
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns.
Myself, ourselves (first person)
Yourself, yourselves (second person)
Himself, herself, itself, themselves (third person)
Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject of the sentence and function as a complement or as the object of a preposition. Ex.
I am not myself today. (myself is the predicate nominative identifying I)
Cecilia let herself in through a trap door. (Herself is the direct object of let)
The boys chose costumes for themselves. (themselves is the object of the prep. For)
Intensive pronouns add “intensity” and have no grammatical function in the sentence. (The sentence can do fine without them.)
Ray painted the mural himself.
The children dyed the eggs themselves.
Demonstrative pronouns. Used to point out persons or things. (Think of a pointing finger)
this, these that, those
Relative Pronouns: Introduce subordinate clauses.
Who, whom, which, that, whose
Interrogative Pronouns: Are used in questions.
Who? To Whom? For whom?, Which? Whose? What?
Indefinite Pronouns: Refer to a person, place, thing, or idea that may or may not be specifically named.
all everybody no one
another everyone one
any few other
anybody many several
anyone most some
both neither somebody
each nobody someone
either none such
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011.
1) SSR and log
2) PSAT Vocabulary List #4
PSAT Vocab List #4
1. surreptitiously- adv- secretly
2. deliberate (v) - to consider carefully
3. legible- adj- capable of being read
4. arboretum- n- a place where trees are cultivated and studied
5. bevy- n- a group
6. penultimate- adj- next to last
7. morbid- adj- gruesome; relating to disease; abnormally gloomy
8. gait- n- manner of walking
9. ebullient- adj- exhilarated; full of enthusiasm and high spirits
10. eloquence- n- fluent and effective speech
11. chide- v- to scold; to express disapproval
12. resolve- v- to conclude; to determine
13. interminable- adj- endless
14. reticent- adj- not speaking freely; reserved
15. peruse- v- to examine closely
Study these words for a quiz on Friday 9/23
3) Introduce Direct and Indirect Characterization, Predicting with Clues from Text, and Foreshadowing.
4) Begin reading "A Sound of Thunder" p. 72 in old textbook in classroom. If you are absent, you can access it online by typing the title from Google or another search engine.
1) SSR and log
2) PSAT Vocabulary List #4
PSAT Vocab List #4
1. surreptitiously- adv- secretly
2. deliberate (v) - to consider carefully
3. legible- adj- capable of being read
4. arboretum- n- a place where trees are cultivated and studied
5. bevy- n- a group
6. penultimate- adj- next to last
7. morbid- adj- gruesome; relating to disease; abnormally gloomy
8. gait- n- manner of walking
9. ebullient- adj- exhilarated; full of enthusiasm and high spirits
10. eloquence- n- fluent and effective speech
11. chide- v- to scold; to express disapproval
12. resolve- v- to conclude; to determine
13. interminable- adj- endless
14. reticent- adj- not speaking freely; reserved
15. peruse- v- to examine closely
Study these words for a quiz on Friday 9/23
3) Introduce Direct and Indirect Characterization, Predicting with Clues from Text, and Foreshadowing.
4) Begin reading "A Sound of Thunder" p. 72 in old textbook in classroom. If you are absent, you can access it online by typing the title from Google or another search engine.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011.
1) SSR
2) Complete reading of "There Will Come Soft Rains." p. 328 in literature book.
Discuss stages of plot , protagonist and antagonist, literary elements of personification, metaphor, and simile.
3) Complete questions 1, 2, 3, and 5, 6 using complete sentences in blue/black ink. Write neatly.
HOMEWORK: Study and make flashcards for words on PSAT List # 3. Quiz Monday, 9/19
1) SSR
2) Complete reading of "There Will Come Soft Rains." p. 328 in literature book.
Discuss stages of plot , protagonist and antagonist, literary elements of personification, metaphor, and simile.
3) Complete questions 1, 2, 3, and 5, 6 using complete sentences in blue/black ink. Write neatly.
HOMEWORK: Study and make flashcards for words on PSAT List # 3. Quiz Monday, 9/19
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011.
1) SSR and log.
2) Discuss Ray Bradbury and his science fiction (biographical film clip).
3) Read actively "The Pedestrian" annotating and underlining for mood, sensory details, similes, metaphors, and plot (Trace Mr. Mead's walk.)
4) Check/copy/review definitions of PSAT List # 3 words given yesterday. Quiz Friday, 9/16
PSAT Vocab List #3
1. subtle- adj- not obvious; so slight as to be difficult to detect
2. poignant- adj- emotionally moving
3. zealot- n- someone fanatically devoted to a cause
4. vim- n- energy; enthusiasm
5. aversion- n- intense dislike
6. pallor- n- paleness; lack of (facial) color
7. matriculate- v- to enroll as a member of a college or university
8. plaintive- adj- melancholy; expressing sorrow
9. exasperation- n- irritation; aggravation
10. succulent- adj- juicy; full of vitality or freshness
11. behemoth- n- a huge creature
12. conjure- v- to imagine; to summon (as if by magical power)
13. wary- adj- cautious; mistrustful; on guard
14. wayward- adj- erratic; unrestrained; reckless
15. saunter- v- to walk about in a leisurely manner; to stroll
1) SSR and log.
2) Discuss Ray Bradbury and his science fiction (biographical film clip).
3) Read actively "The Pedestrian" annotating and underlining for mood, sensory details, similes, metaphors, and plot (Trace Mr. Mead's walk.)
4) Check/copy/review definitions of PSAT List # 3 words given yesterday. Quiz Friday, 9/16
PSAT Vocab List #3
1. subtle- adj- not obvious; so slight as to be difficult to detect
2. poignant- adj- emotionally moving
3. zealot- n- someone fanatically devoted to a cause
4. vim- n- energy; enthusiasm
5. aversion- n- intense dislike
6. pallor- n- paleness; lack of (facial) color
7. matriculate- v- to enroll as a member of a college or university
8. plaintive- adj- melancholy; expressing sorrow
9. exasperation- n- irritation; aggravation
10. succulent- adj- juicy; full of vitality or freshness
11. behemoth- n- a huge creature
12. conjure- v- to imagine; to summon (as if by magical power)
13. wary- adj- cautious; mistrustful; on guard
14. wayward- adj- erratic; unrestrained; reckless
15. saunter- v- to walk about in a leisurely manner; to stroll
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011.
1) SSR 10 minutes
2) SSR Reading LOG check for a daily grade.
3) Complete Bio film clip: Ray Bradbury: An American Icon
Study Vocabulary for this week: PSAT Vocab List #3
1. subtle- adj- not obvious; so slight as to be difficult to detect
2. poignant- adj- emotionally moving
3. zealot- n- someone fanatically devoted to a cause
4. vim- n- energy; enthusiasm
5. aversion- n- intense dislike
6. pallor- n- paleness; lack of (facial) color
7. matriculate- v- to enroll as a member of a college or university
8. plaintive- adj- melancholy; expressing sorrow
9. exasperation- n- irritation; aggravation
10. succulent- adj- juicy; full of vitality or freshness
11. behemoth- n- a huge creature
12. conjure- v- to imagine; to summon (as if by magical power)
13. wary- adj- cautious; mistrustful; on guard
14. wayward- adj- erratic; unrestrained; reckless
15. saunter- v- to walk about in a leisurely manner; to stroll
1) SSR 10 minutes
2) SSR Reading LOG check for a daily grade.
3) Complete Bio film clip: Ray Bradbury: An American Icon
Study Vocabulary for this week: PSAT Vocab List #3
1. subtle- adj- not obvious; so slight as to be difficult to detect
2. poignant- adj- emotionally moving
3. zealot- n- someone fanatically devoted to a cause
4. vim- n- energy; enthusiasm
5. aversion- n- intense dislike
6. pallor- n- paleness; lack of (facial) color
7. matriculate- v- to enroll as a member of a college or university
8. plaintive- adj- melancholy; expressing sorrow
9. exasperation- n- irritation; aggravation
10. succulent- adj- juicy; full of vitality or freshness
11. behemoth- n- a huge creature
12. conjure- v- to imagine; to summon (as if by magical power)
13. wary- adj- cautious; mistrustful; on guard
14. wayward- adj- erratic; unrestrained; reckless
15. saunter- v- to walk about in a leisurely manner; to stroll
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011.
Picture Day.
1) Sustained silent reading of selected novel. Complete log for Sept. 7. Select one or more unfamiliar vocabulary words and record on log sheet.
2) Students copied/reviewed fifteen words for PSAT Vocabulary List #2. If you were absent get the vocabulary from a peer, or see teacher.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011.
1) Review for vocabulary quiz.
2) Vocabulary Quiz PSAT Voc. Quiz 1
3) Packets for Photo Day were distributed. Picture Day is Wednesday, 9/7. If you wish to purchase a photos, bring your check Wednesday.
HOMEWORK: Bring a paperback novel of your choice for sustained silent reading.
1) Review for vocabulary quiz.
2) Vocabulary Quiz PSAT Voc. Quiz 1
3) Packets for Photo Day were distributed. Picture Day is Wednesday, 9/7. If you wish to purchase a photos, bring your check Wednesday.
HOMEWORK: Bring a paperback novel of your choice for sustained silent reading.
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