Monday, November 30, 2009

1. Per. 1
Students were given the Prologue/Parados handout and the opportunity to work on this for about fifteen minutes.
2. All students will read Antigone, Scene 1, Ode 1 p. 1026 in Language of Literature textbook.
a) Chorus introduces King Creon
b) Discuss King Creon’s values.
c) Discuss treatment of Chorus by King Creon.
d) What does Creon believe is the MOTIVE for Polyneices burial?
e) Sentry provides comic relief

Summarize the message in Ode 1: Man has overcome land, sea, air, and beast, but he has not been able to conquer DEATH.

3. When students finish reading, please pass out “Terms for Greek Drama” handout. The students should use the purple books shelved in the large bookcase by the board to define the terms and words on the handout.

1. Students will read Antigone, Scene 2, Ode 2 p. 1032 in Language of Literature textbook. Please pass out the “Cast of Characters from Antigone.” to all classes.

a) Discuss the Sentry’s description of the “supernatural” events surrounding the discovery of Antigone’s deed.

b) Discuss indirect characterization of Antigone p. 1033 (“She was not afraid,/Not even when we charged her with what she had done. She denied nothing.”(2.2.43-45) pp. 1034-1035.

c) Have students make a Cornell Chart of characterization of Antigone: Point out following quotes or ask students to find statements by Antigone that show her brazen demeanor. (p. 1035: lines 52; 57-58; 67-69; 73-74; 98-111;

d) Make a Cornell Chart of King Creon’s low opinion of women.
Students will find any statements by Creon and list these statements with line numbers.

e) Antigone wants complete glory for her deed. She does not want to share this glory with her sister, Ismene: lines 131-139 (page 1038).

f) Creon derides both Antigone and Ismene in lines 148-150, page 1039.

2. When students have completed Scene 2, Ode 2, they will receive Antigone Focus Questions for Scene 1 Ode 1 and Scene 2, Ode 2.

Monday, Nov. 23
1. Read short story "Lalla" en LOL textbook beginning with background on page 329.
2. Complete questions 1-7 on page. 343.

Tuesday, Nov. 24
1. Read "A Celebration of Grandfathers" beginning on pg. 455.
2. Complete questions 1-8 on page 460.


Monday, Nov. 30
1. Review Antigone Scene 1, Ode 1; Scene 2, Ode 2

Voc. Quiz Antigone 1: (lithe, sated, meddle, comprehensive, decree, conscience, anarchist, statecraft, carrion, reverence): tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 1

Antigone TEST: Monday, Dec. 7

REMINDER: Bring Antigone journal and Theban Family Tree tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, Nov. 16
1. Peer Revision of OMM essay, following rubric on back of essay handout. Students had essays peer-reviewed by two students, marking off a checklist rubric.
2. Students completed final draft of their essay, stapling the final draft on top of the rough draft. No more class time will be alloted for writing this essay. You must come to finish at lunch tutorials.

Tuesday, Nov. 17
1. Antigone Pre-reading activity. Students read background of play, which includes "Sophocles and His Theater" and the story of the "Ill-Fated House of Thebes."
2. Students filled in Antigone background worksheet (Fill-in-the-blanks). (Except Per. 1).
Make sure you ask for handout when you return from absence.
REMINDER: Define and study the following words for Antigone vocabulary quiz 1: lithe, sated, meddle, comprehensive, decree, conscience, anarchist, statecraft, carrion, reverence. Ask for definitions and part of speech for each word from a peer (study-buddy).

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, Nov. 13
1. Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Quiz 4: "scrappy - writhe."
2. Complete first draft of Of Mice and Men in-class thesis controlled essay.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, Nov. 12
1. Pass out OMM essay packets with outline from yesterday, which received a grade for classwork.
2. Continue to work on first draft of Of Mice and Men essay.
REMINDER: Study for vocabulary quiz OMM Vocabulary List words "scrappy - writhe."
REMINDER: Bring OMM Film Questions: Due Friday, 11/13

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, Nov. 11

Work on Of Mice and Men essay.
Step No. 1: Select ONE thesis statement and write it on outline.
Step No. 2: Copy each of the three topic sentences in the corresponding slot on the outline.
Step No. 3: Find textual evidence (two quotes) for each topic sentence.
Step No. 4: Complete the outline.

Reminder: Bring flashcards for OMM words "scrappy - writhe."
Reminder: OMM Film Questions are due Friday, Nov. 13

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, Nov. 10 (Early Release)
1. Voc. Quiz 3 "liniment - rouged" If you were absent, make sure you make up this quiz.
2. Complete film questions.
3. Per. 1: Distributed Of Mice and Men Essay assignment.
4. Study and make flashcards for last words (scrappy - writhe) on the OMM Vocabulary List. Bring on Thurs. 11/12
5. Bring all OMM charts tomorrow.
Monday, Nov. 9
1. Of Mice and Men TEST
Note: If you were absent, please come by at lunch to make up this test.
2. Turn in all Of Mice and Men Ch. 1-6 Focus Questions stapled.
Today: 100% (Exceptional quality)
70% (Sloppy work; incomplete sentences; scant/little detail or information
0% (Incomplete: Do not turn in work that is not finished. Even one missing question
will earn you a zero.
Tomorrow: 70% LATE exceptional quality work
Vocabulary quiz Tuesday, Nov. 10.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, Nov. 5
1. Work on Of Mice and Men Character Analysis and Loneliness and Isolation charts
2. View Of Mice and Men film to right before Curley and Lennie's external conflict. Take notes on items discussed in class. If you were absent, make sure you get notes from a peer.
REMINDER: Study OMM Voc. words "liniment-rouged" for quiz Tuesday, Nov. 10.
REMINDER: Of Mice and Men TEST, Monday, Nov. 9

Friday, Nov. 6
1. Of Mice and Men Charts (See above) and Film question handout (Ask for handout when you return from absence.)
2. Complete viewing of OMM film. Take notes on items discussed in class.
REMINDER: Study Of Mice and Men vocabulary words "liniment - rouged" for quiz on Tues. 11/10.
REMINDER: Complete all OMM chapters 1-6 questions and all charts. Bring stapled to show on Monday, 11/9. TEST: Monday, 11/9

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, Nov. 4
Two charts were distributed: "Loneliness and Isolation" and "Character Analysis Chart": Please ask for these if you were absent on this day.
1. Work on Character Analysis Chart: Worked on George for direct and indirect characterization.
2. Viewed beginning of OMM film. Took notes on beginning of film, differences between Curley's wife in film and novel and other items; please inquire about handout.
3. Make flashcards for homework of OMM words "Liniment - rouged."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, Nov. 3
1. Recap yesterday's reading and Candy's/Curley's reactions to Curley's wife's death
2. Read OMM remainder of ch. 5; all ch. 6
3. Discuss how OMM is written in a circular format, with chapters one and six having the same setting but different mood.
Discuss foreshadowing of little water snake incident in chapter 6. (See pages 7 and 99).
Discuss the character Carlson as a foil to Slim. Commentary by both characters on page 107
4. Work on OMM Ch. 5-6 Focus Questions
A) OMM Vocabulary Quiz on OMM words: "liniment - rouged" Friday, 11/6 (Make flashcards for these words: Write voc. word on one side; definition on other side. Bring on Thursday for homework grade.
B) OMM TEST: Monday, 11/9

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, Nov. 2, 2009
1. Check/Discuss OMM Ch. 4 Questions
2. Read OMM Ch. 5; Take notes on "Loneliness and Isolation" Chart for Curley's wife